The institution strives to blend the heritage, culture, values and wisdom of ancient India with the constantly changing needs and aspirations of modern society. It seeks to develop every student into a self-reliant, socially useful, disciplined and law-abiding citizen. In other words, it aims at developing every pupil into an integrated personality.
The basic approach is guided by the fact that nature gifts every child with a unique potential, which, with adequate environmental inputs can be developed into outstanding competence (in the context of specialisation) so vital to face the increasing competition in today's world. At the same time, it seeks to safeguard the young mind against the negative influence of materialism and the counter productive effects of industrialisation so as to preserve and promote the sanctity of family and community relationships. Hence, the institution has a distinct background, character and objective and lays special emphasis on 'the study of Punjabi, Hindi and Indian Culture in composite form.
It caters to the educational needs of those who want to combine the advantages of a 'modern public school' with those of the 'Ancient Vidyashram' aimed at all round development of character and personality through close contact between the teacher and the taught and wide range of activities leading to self and social fulfillment.
To this end, the school, besides imparting academic education, strives to :
• Introduce the guru-shishya attitude which creates an ideal relationship
between the teacher and the pupil.
• Provide training in leadership;
• Inculcate dignity of labour & human values;
• Instil a sense of civic, social and moral responsibility;
• Give a background in Nation's making and its culture;
• Provide opportunities to facilitate specialisation, through suitable creative work